Does Pennsylvania have enough preceptors (teaching clinicians) to meet the demand of student training?
Do clinics have the resources to provide a high quality learning environment for students?
Do students have an opportunity to serve diverse patient populations in their clinical training experience?
These are some of the questions that Southcentral PA AHEC is asking about clinical training opportunities offered in our counties. We know that clinical training is an important part of health professions education. We want to make sure that all Pennsylvania health professions students have access to clinical training experiences that teach them about patient-centered and team-based care. We also want to make sure that students are training in communities that have the highest need for health professionals, because we know that students are likely to practice in settings they have trained in. That’s why Southcentral PA AHEC collaborates with primary care stakeholders throughout our region to facilitate high quality clinical training opportunities, particularly in underserved rural and urban communities.
Clinical Placements
Student Forms
Please complete PRIOR to rotation.
The Pennsylvania AHEC, in partnership with your school, is seeking to help meet the health care needs of our communities and to make health careers training a more valuable experience. Results from this survey will be used to support these goals. All survey responses are confidential. Data will only be used within the AHEC program and never for commercial purposes.
Please complete AT THE END of your rotation.
The Pennsylvania AHEC, in partnership with your school, is seeking to help meet the health care needs of our communities and to make health careers training a more valuable experience. Results from this survey will be used to support these goals. All survey responses are confidential. Data will only be used within the AHEC program and never for commercial purposes.